Wednesday 19 September 2012

I'm So Excited!

Firstly- I think...okay okay I KNOW- an apology is in order. So... sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry for not updated Well- weeks- but that doesn't QUITE have the same ring/exaggeration value to it, does it?
The reason for my absence is two-fold. Quite simply- I'm lazy and didn't feel the need/inspired. I sit down, think, I'm going to update my blog tonight and get completely side tracked. I'll give you an example:

6:30- nom nom, tea was delicious. i know, i should really update my blog, seeing as my friend has been nagging at me about it. Okay- lets go!
6:40- finally logged on to Blogger. Suddenly gets e-mail.
6:45- email browser has opened. Ooh a fanfic notification. lets have a read! oooh long chapter! yay! (or, alternatively  short chapter- oh darn it, i need to remind myself of the story...reads 30+ chapters....:))
7:00 sigh finished with that. now i can update my blog! yay!
7:01 gets another email from fanfiction. Repeats stages. know- i haven't checked new stories in like...3 hours....there could be more!
9:30- finally got through all 1000 fandoms, with only 2 stories read and favorited  yay me! oh no- now its time for my shower....i'll update tomorrow.

Thats a normal day- or my friends come onto skype- what do I do? Ignore everything i've been doing and talk!
Anyway- Reason 2. SCHOOL! [Insert crying/swearing/screaming noise of your choice here....] Yup, school has returned, showing its ugly derriere and sucking all life out of my poor damaged soul. I'm sure you all feel the same.

So- to the reason of the post!- I'M EXCITED! Not just for one thing, or even two. No- A WHOLE HEAP OF THINGS! I bet you're all really looking forward to this ain't ya!

Now, in a previous post, i'm sure you all realized my love for these 'pocket monsters' as they are so freaking adorable- yes, even Magicarp and Wobbufett have places in my heart. But I'm excited doubly about this. One- THE NEW KELDEO EVENT! EEEEEEEEK! So yes, hopefully i'm going in at the weekend and getting me a beautiful Keldeo at Game. Wireless event for anyone interested.  Game stores and Gamestations all across Britain- TILL OCTOBER- so go ahead and join the masses!
Secondly, also in October the second in the fifth generation of games is being released under the incredibly original names- Black and White...2! BET you didn't see that one coming eh? 
No, In all seriousness I've been looking forward to this game for months, ever since I finished the last after-game-play and the conquest story line. I can't wait to see what happened with all the characters (trying to limit spoilers) and the searches after the elite 4. I spend days doing that and I really really hope it wasn't a waste of my time. One thing I am anxious about is if they take it too far. Much like the Olympics what if we get all excited about it and it's really pretty awful. But then it could turn out exactly like the Olympics - mind blowing stuff going on, so I guess we are just going to have to wait and see.

2) Glee season 4
I have to admit in this one, I'm a bit (*cough* a lot *cough*) of a gleek.  Now, as all you gleeks will know, Season 4 stated in America last Thursday (13.9.12 The New Rachel ). Now me, being the addicted fan girl I am, thought- there is NO FREAKING WAY I'm waiting till January because Sky 1 want a continuous season- with no breaks. What difference will it make? Decided to watch it online. What else is a girl to do and I have to say....IM SO FREAKING GLAD I DID. What a good opener! It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but I think they did it so well- again, trying to avoid spoilers, but I'll give you a list of the songs sung if you're interested- which will contain glee club member spoilers
1) Call Me Maybe- Blaine, Tina, Brittany, Wade/Unique
2) Dance Again/Americano- Dance teacher whose name had slipped my mind
3) Empire state of Mind- Marley and Rachel
4) Never Say Never- Jake
5) It's Time-Blaine
6) Chasing Pavements- Glee Club
I can tell you, the next episode is titled- Britany 2.0. I'm sure you all know what artist it will be! I'll give you a clue, It sounds like our very own glee members full name Britany S. Pierce. 
the songs I cant wait to hear and Boys/boyfriend- A Blaine and Artie duet! and Hold it against me- sung by Britany. Pierce not Spiers.
Yes Blaine and Kurt ARE my favourite characters and Klaine is my favourite couple.

3) The Evoloution of Mara Dyer
This is a book by Michelle Hodkin and the second installment in the series. I've not much to say on this matter apart from the fist book (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer) was so completely amazing, i'm waiting on the edge of my seat. If you've read it you'll know what I mean. the release date is October 23rd and it just can't come quick enough! October is going to be so amazing!

4) TV
A very very quick one, much like the Glee post- two more shows I just cant stop thinking about Merlin-on the BBC which is returning September 29th and 90210 which is returning in America on 8th October.

5) Half-term holidays.
Yes, its only week 2 and I'm already swanned under with homework- so why am I sat here writing? I know, I'm deterring the inevitable and what pray tell is wrong with that? October is going to be SO great. I've always considered this a bit of a boring month, nobodies birthdays, no festivities, nothing to really get excited and intrigued about- but now, I can't freaking wait. In this week I'll make an avid attempt- doing my homework. Playing guitar, and reading. Catching up on TV series's that I've missed. It's something that I think I'm sort of working towards? I mean i know most of it will be revision for upcoming mocks, but its the one time half-term will have been a nice mix of the two- serious and fun.

And so ends another post. Thanks for reading and sticking with me. I have loads of ideas for upcoming posts so stay tuned, or even better- subscribe! then you'll never miss an ounce.

So i'm going to say goodbye, and leaving you with the song I cant get out of my head :- ENJOY

Thursday 30 August 2012

Summer Time Blues

As all of you Brits out there already know, we only have a week left of summer. Normally, kids across the country are begging not to go back to school, harassing their parents that if they can stay off for one more week, they'll get all the fresh air they can, not being cooped up inside the house..on the computer....

But there comes a time in every child's life, where the holidays go too quickly, rather than too slowly, and they find they haven't lived that summer how they wanted too. Everybody says, this summer will be the best summer. I'm going to do all these things, go to all these places, meet up with all these people and have the time of my life. Frankly-that never happens. What does happen (at least with me it does) is you make half-plans with multiple people. Here's an example:-

Me: Hey (insert name here), do you want to meet up sometime?
(Name of your choice): Sure! We haven't seen each other in ages!

And that is the extent of our plans. 

One thing that I do a week before summer is make a list. Not a random list of anything, no. A structured: What I'm going to do this summer list. Here are a couple of things that were in my list this year. As mentioned in an earlier post, I wanted to learn the guitar and be able to play a couple of chords. That idea seems to have been washed away with the tide. Another thing I wrote, was a second list of books to read. Out of about the 50 that were on the list , a mixture of both mine and my brothers books, I can honestly say I have read no more than 2. The two that arrive in the post, during the holidays, and I haven't even started the book we need to read for our English homework. What can I say-I'm screwed. Instead, I decide to spend my summer on the computer, watching YouTube videos and reading Fanfictions and figuring out my new bedroom colour scheme-which we still haven't got round to painting.

I don't know if this is the same with you, or if its just the deluded minds of me and a couple of friends, but half of me cant wait for the summer to finish! To get back to doing things, a structured routine, going out every day, and not having your parents breath down your neck to get up and do something. One thing I am not looking forward to however is the shed loads of homework and revision I'm going to get as I'm nearing GCSE's. This summer was meant to be spend revising and getting in a better place for my mocks in December. Again, that hasn't happened.

However, I do  have to say, I am seriously looking forward to when the school year finishes and I have a huge holiday to do anything I please. I will live that one to the full! There's so many possibilities, and such a weight lifted off your shoulders once your exams are through. You can spend more time dedicating it to things you want to do, not that you have to do. I want to go to a proper festival with a couple of mates from school, I want to get on the train and spend a week with my cousins, and I want to go on a proper holiday! Not camping in some muddy old field, sat in the car, trying to keep warm, whilst the rest of the family are enjoying the cars and the boats, and all I'm getting a kick out of is the Haribo Stall.

So I'd just like to leave you with a goodbye, a  farewell, an adieu, and a song.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Childhood Snippets

Lately I found my old Pop Party CD. I remember the day i got this, I had begged my mum for weeks and she finally gave in and came home with this beauty. After listening, and listening and listening some more I knew pretty much all the words off by heart. With the knowledge of how breathtakingly amazing this CD was, I found myself wanting pop Party 2 when it came out, and spiralled out of control. I now had  Pop Party 1-5, Pop Princesses 1-3 and Boy Crazy, which I listened to so much, my mother 'lost' it. After I rediscovered Pop Party, I decided to put it on play, and was shocked to see that I was singing along to half the songs, and could actually repeat, word for word, most, if not all of them.

So this revelation got me thinking, what else did I do in my childhood? What of that do I still remember? And in some cases (okay...most cases) still do/have? So, hence is my list of Childhood Snippets :)

Live! Please! Live!
Yes, the ever famous Tamagotchi. We all begged and craved for one of these babies, waited for it to hatch after many days of it being a stubborn little egg, looking after the baby form, then forgetting to feed it, or clean up after our virtual little create while we were feeding ourselves and having it die on us. This led to many tears and our mothers telling us to 'turn off the water-works its only a game', yet for us it was practically life itself. We waited as we hatched a new one, always waiting to see what the final form would be, and no matter what we did, the Tamagotchi always had it in for us and would never get past that stage. After many years of trying, I finally gave up. Did any of you have this problem, or did you actually see the face of your Tamagotchi creature?

We've still gotta catch em all- and be the best that we can be!

I have to admit, with a heavy heart, that i used to hate pokemon with all of my soul. As my brother watched it daily, I groaned at the theme tune, and screamed at him to turn it over, but to no avail. When he turned 8, I, being the younger of the 2, felt myself grow unwillingly attached to Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracy, Max and May. When my brother turned 10, he teased me constantly that he could become a pokemon trainer and start his journey across Kanto while I had to sit at home and watch. I have to admit, that I cried a bit. Okay I cried a lot. But then as he grew up, and older, I continued to watch, being drawn in to the familiar plot lines, team rockets wonderfully unique catchphrase and of course. the theme tune. 
I remember the days when collecting cards was cool. Not just any old cards, Pokemon cards, with the odd splatter of YuGiOh. Not Moshi Monsters or Club penguin, real pokemon cards. Where you traded them like your life depended on it in the playground at school, and nobody- no matter what you were willing to offer, would trade you that elusive charizard card. And no matter how many you forced your Grandma to buy for you, you could never find them, yet ended up with 14 Magicarps.

Yes, its that well known game that seemed to be the trend everywhere, much like Scoobi's, apart from this one wasnt banned at schools across the country. Now, if this game is unfamiliar to you in any way, shape, or form, I recommend you look them up, as I suspect this is already a long post. Do any of you have games similar? I'd love to hear them!

Now I know I've only actually given you that's it...but I will continue in a Part 2, so do look out for it-coming to a computer screen near the near or distant future. But I have to say, although my childhood is over, there are still things I live from it. Like Pokemon. I still watch it religiously, okay it might have to be online, but even the awful new series I still watch- mainly for Ash, and his 'way to old to be a 10 year old' appeal. However, I know that we (defiantly I) will be the ones pushing past all the bratty 8 year old's when Monsters Inc 2 is released-even though we know how shocking it is going to be, because we are the ones who have to original VHS of it. Anyone agree?

Thanks for reading this far!

So I'd just like to leave you with a goodbye, a  farewell, an adieu, and a song.

Following my reccent obsession with pop party I thought it was only fitting

Monday 20 August 2012


What do you say on your first ever public appearance to the world wide web? I guess I should start with the formalities.

First thing you should know about me is that although I don't 'give up' on things, I leave things I intend to do unaccomplished  For example, it is now the forth week of summer, and I haven't so much as thought to start learning the guitar I received at the start. So i thought to myself, will my life in 3 years-when I'm 18-just be an unfulfilled mess or will I have achieved things I want to achieve? You may be wondering- why create a  blog? The truth is, its because I want to. Simple as that. I don't have much self-confidence, yet I tell others to have confidence. So for me, this is the perfect medium. 

Maybe I'm doing this out of curiosity. Will I actually continue with something?  Or will I fail like previous attempts. Maybe this is all just wishful thinking or maybe just writing this will inspire me to pick up that guitar just sat over there and strum a few shockingly awful chords. Who knows?

So I'd just like to leave you with a goodbye, a  farewell, an adieu, and a song.